Respondent Information
Name of Trust
Maximum 255 characters
Name of person completing this survey
Please give your email
Provider and Contract Information
What is the name of the interpreting service (s) you commission?
What is the length of your interpreting services contract?
What is the expiry date of your interpreting services contract?
What was the annual value and spend of your interpreting services in the financial year 23/24?
What was the annual value and spend of your interpreting services in the financial year 22/23?
What was the annual value and spend of your interpreting services in the financial year 21/22?
Contract Management and Governance
What is the name and contact details of the person who manages the interpreting services contract?
What is the name and contact details for the Executive responsible for the contract?
Please describe your governance and quality monitoring arrangements for interpreting services
Service Utilisation and Unmet Needs
How are unfulfilled bookings or needs identified and addressed? For example, is there a struggle to access certain languages?
Describe how you monitor access to services and identify unmet needs
Provide details of the populations that access interpreting services and identify any gaps that may impact on health inequalities. For example, are there certain known populations that would benefit from access but do not access?
Has the Trust used non interpreting professionals and/or informal carers to meet unfulfilled bookings in some instances? If so, who have you used?
How are unmet needs recorded for interpreting services?
How many face to face telephone, translation of documents or BSL contacts has the Trust used interpreting services for? Break this information down by category, types of languages used. Split into financial years (23/24, 22/23 and 21/22)
Has the Trust carried out an Equality Impact Assessment?
If the Trust has carried out an EIA, please attach the file here
Please identify any gaps in the EIA and what the barriers are to addressing the gaps identified
Public Awareness and Accessibility
How do patients know if they are entitled to access or can access interpreting services for free at point of access to NHS services?
Do you proactively tell people how they can access interpreting translation and BSL services? How do you do this?
Where do you publicise access to interpreting services, and what types of materials are used? What languages are these provided in?
Additional Information and Context
Is there anything else the Trust would like to share that may help with informing the needs and gaps analysis?
Are there any specific issues within your geography that we should be aware of? These may be of a culturally sensitive or political nature. This can provide context and understanding of the challenges in providing these types of services.