Why register

Your views matter and we want to hear them so we can use them to improve health and care services in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB).

What is Your Voice BOB?

‘Your Voice BOB’ is an online platform that offers a variety of interactive tools such as ideas boards, surveys, discussion forums and polls. It provides you with the opportunity to offer input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions on health and care services.

Why register?

By registering and telling us a little bit about yourself, we can make sure we tell you about the things that matter most to you and that are relevant to your local area.

While registration is not required to view the site, it is necessary for some of the more interactive engagement opportunities. 

We ask you to register to the website for a few reasons:

  • It promotes accountability and encourages people to provide more thoughtful responses.
  • We can let you know when there are project updates, or when the results are published of something that you have got involved in.
  • You will be the first to hear when there are new projects on health and care topics that are of specific interest to you.
  • We can analyse the information you give us in a better way. e.g. we can look at responses by the county that you live in, or compare younger people’s views to those of older people. This makes it easier for us to improve services in the right way for our people and communities.
  • It tells us more about who is engaging with us and whether we need to take additional steps to reach specific locations or groups to ensure their voice is heard.

Any personal information shared as part of your registration will be confidential and follows GDPR guidance. For further information you can read our privacy policy.

What about face-to-face engagement?

Our engagement website does not replace face-to-face engagement. However, we recognise that public engagement events are not always possible to attend, or are not everyone’s preferred way of getting involved. That's why we have created ‘Your Voice BOB’ - to make it easier for you to contribute and get involved in a way and at a time that suits you.

Register to join 'Your Voice BOB' today